Keep Watcombe Clean!
Seals have been inspired by our class story Stella and the Seagull and the children decided that they wanted to help keep Watcombe clean. We walked out through the local park and through the muddy woods down to Watcombe Beach, picking up as much rubbish as we could find!
We were very muddy and tired by the end but we picked up several bags of rubbish to bring back for the bin or recycling.
We found: crisps packets, sweet wrappers, drinks cans, a huge plastic container and many other small bits of plastic.
Seals were very safe and had special gloves and grabbers to help us with this challenge.
We felt very proud that our local area was a bit cleaner and that the wildlife would be safer.
Back at school we have been writing letters and creating posters to help other people keep Watcombe clean.