What we do
The governing body is a crucial and active part of the school community and acts as ‘critical friend’ to the senior leadership team. It provides strategic direction to the school and acts to provide both support and challenge to ensure sound financial management and quality first teaching across the school.
The governing body works with the school to formulate and implement a vigorous and challenging school improvement plan. It strives to provide all children — regardless of their gender, ability, background or beliefs — with a high-quality education in a caring and nurturing environment.
We also regularly engage with our parents, staff and children using formal and informal approaches. This includes annual parent surveys, the government’s Parent View and ongoing surveys with school children through the school council.
How we work
Our governing body is formed by 13 governors drawn from staff, parents, local authority representatives and members of the local community. The constitution comprises of:
Posts: 13 – 1 x staff, 5 x parents, 5 x co-opted community, 1 x LA plus Head Teacher
Each governor serves a four-year term of office and is appointed to the full governing body and to one or more of the three sub-committees.
You can find our current register and attendance of governors by clicking on the Attendance Register
Contacting your governors
The school governors oversee a number of key areas. Parent governors, in particular, are here to represent your view and can help you if you have any questions, concerns or complaints. If you would like to speak to a school governor informally, we can often be found on the school playground before school. If you would like to contact us formally or are unable to come and speak to us personally, we can be contacted through the school office on 01803 327419 or in writing by leaving a letter for the attention of school governors.